Clearly I must get more consistent at blogging
The last year has been a whirlwind of opportunities and learning. Just over a year ago I had left the security of my full time job to start an art school. My time was already slightly full with my voluntary job as a Senior Pastor, but I needed something that I could earn a decent salary with (with a clear conscience), so threw myself into starting and running INSPIRED ARTS . This was (and still is) great, and a lot of fun, with holiday camps and kids weekly classes, but the real surprise was with the community of art teachers and creatives that starting contacting me for curriculum and training support.

Before I knew it, I was whisked off to Shanghai and Melbourne, NZ and beyond to work with dynamic and passionate educators. This is something that I had always wanted to do, and the reality of it had exceeded my expectations. The passion that every teacher I met was amazing. You all bring such a gratitude and enthusiasm with you when you attend workshops and engage with hands on professional development.

Recently I had the opportunity to run workshops in Melbourne, at Zart Art's 'Nurturing Creativity Conference' and was blown away by the passion and commitment that every teacher brought. I was also humbled to have my workshops sell out so quickly, especially when the calibre of the other workshops on offer were so high. The fact that teachers chose my session on inquiry and reflective practices over hands on sessions on animation, portraiture, sculpture and more; blew my mind.

So, this blog post really, is just a celebration of you... teachers who throw themselves in to developing their practice more; learning, growing, collaborating, choosing paperwork over fun and assessment over date-nights; gobbling up more knowledge and more best practice with the intent impacting on the learning environments in your rooms and schools and centers. I love watching how seriously you take the discussions and activities, reflecting on every step and looking for opportunities to apply it to your own practice.
It really is inspiring... and... I can't wait to work with more of you :)